What a roller-coaster start to this year. We have been blessed with some fantastic new connections, friendships and partnerships which will enable us to improve the lives of cleft children in Sumatra in ways we could only have dreamed of.
First of all we would like to thank Adventure Aid for their recent visit to Indonesia. A group of 15 English people came over to see our work first hand and meet the children of whom they personally changed the lives of. The group brought many gifts with them that they shared with the children putting big smiles on so many faces. Adventure Aid changed the lives of 25 children last year and this year they plan to do the same. If you are interested in getting involved please visit their website at www.adventureaid.org.uk
Last year, Charity founder Katie met with a group of volunteer surgeons and dentists visiting Sumatra from the US. Having worked alongside many different surgeons specialising in variety cosmetic, facial and reconstructive domains, Katie was fascinated to find out that these new friends were not only maxillofacial surgeons (specialising in jaw and teeth) but they were very interested in the work of our charity. This has emerged as a fantastic new venture and all are excited about the chance we have of working together.
With a buzz of interest in the work of our charity the McGann Ratner Foundation sent a group of their American sponsors to observe The Children of Sumatra at work. This tour was extremely rewarding for our charity and it led to even more wonderful connections and friendships, all of which will help make the lives of the children we help brighter and happier.
Through this new partnership, Novel who has been receiving care for his deformity for several years, is now awaiting a trip to one of the world’s most advanced cleft centres in Taiwan as his cleft is one of the most severe any of the team have ever seen.
With road trips continuing throughout the coming months and more surgeons from around the globe visiting to help make smiles come true with our charity, we look forward to reporting on another busy and successful year in a few months time.
Thank you to all those who share in our news and those who make all that we do possible by donating, it is thanks to all the past and present donors that we are where we are; helping to change more lives than ever before and offering unique care for those who need it most.